Let your light so shine before men that upon seeing your good works they may glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Our Mission
JUBILEE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY is an ecclesial community dedicated to the Church’s missionary goal of evangelization, sanctification of humankind and the Christian formation of people's consciences.
We are a people committed to embodying the Love of Christ by being obedient to: 1. The Promptings of the Holy Spirit, 2. Holy Scripture (particularly Gospel values), 3. The Doctrines of the Catholic Church 4. The Resolutions of the Archdiocesan Synod. |
Our Approach
We engage in lifelong formation in order help individuals to (1) establish/re-establish the process that helps them to learn the wisdom of God through scripture and the tradition of the Church and (2) provide the on-going support for persons to live and grow in that wisdom
Our Purpose
To assist in a process of lifelong formation that ensures the holistic development of both the individual and the family.
Achievement of Purpose
The Association will achieve its principal purpose - which is to respond to the needs of families in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain - through a process of education, re-education, reinforcement and loving support.
Tools & Techniques Used
These responses include the provision of Catechetical programs, Individual and Family Life ministries, Life Skill programs, Values and Virtues Formation programs and the provision of sacramental and non-sacramental supporting services.